Mayes County Fair 2016 - The Details!

September 02, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

     I don’t know who’s more excited about the Mayes County Fair, me, exhibitors or parents.   

     I know first-hand how much work and dedication is involved in preparing for the fair. I spent eight straight years walking, feeding and working with my calves, the work culminating to see the results of that hard work each year at the fair. And this year, my kiddo is again part the ranks of the exhibitors, so I'm an official 4-H mom!


     This year I get to be the official photographer, for the third year. I’ve worked out details and hope to be as organized as possible during the fair. I want to help parents and exhibitors capture those memories. Hopefully these details will help out.


     My plan is to be there each day during the fair, even with the un-traditional schedule upon us for 2016.


     I’ll be taking photos of the action in the show ring along with all photos of premium sale qualifiers after each class/species on the backdrop set up. You’ll see me running back and forth a lot. I’ll be uploading each show as quickly as possible online, hopefully avoiding any issues the same evening of the events.

      As premium sale qualifiers are chosen, I will take those photos on the backdrop.  It is important that if you qualify, please head as quickly and efficiently as possible to the area set up with the backdrop to get your photos taken.




     Many exhibitors will qualify for more than one animal, but can only sell one in the premium sale. 


      Parents can purchase as many images of their exhibitors as they want. 


      I’ve organized the folders online to make it as easy as possible to find your exhibitors. If you’ll visit you’ll see folders for each species and I’ve broken down each species and much as possible. Again, I’ll be getting those images uploaded and online as quickly as possible. Here’s a step by step blog on how to purchase those images online



     If you have any questions, please contact me.


 *Kristy Troyer Photography retains all copyrights of any and all digital files. Images may be altered ONLY to crop for print size. Images are for personal use only and may not be used for any other purpose including but not limited to contest submissions without express written permission of Kristy Troyer Photography. 





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